Halfway there…


Halfway done with 2012 already! Time to look and check on my New Year’s resolutions

Looks like I’m doing pretty well!

1. Finish yoga teacher training 
I can definitely check this off–I graduate next Wednesday!

2. Be a better baker
Yeah…this is definitely still a work in progress…Especially since I stopped buying a few things…

3. Read 30 books
I’m right on track with this one. I just looked at my list of books read so far this year…13 with two in progress! Here’s what I’ve read so far:

4. Keep blogging

5. Try to be more patient in daily life.
Doubt I’ll ever be able to cross this one off the list…




  1. Ahaha, I always try to do #6 as well, but sometimes it’s borderline impossible.

    I wish I could read 30 books this year. There’s just no time!

    – afairtrade.wordpress.org
    recording a journey from unethical to ethical



  2. Ahahaha, I always try for #6, but sometimes it’s borderline impossible.

    I wish I could read 30 books in a year. There just never seems to be enough time!

    – afairtrade.wordpress.org
    recording a journey from unethical to ethical



  3. Wait, what?? 2012 is almost over?? Crazy!

    I also have the 30 books on my goals for this year…I need to get my butt in gear! I think you’re ahead of me by….a lot. Are you on GoodReads, by chance? I love getting ideas of what other people are reading!



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