October blogging…every day to celebrate


This month marks my THIRD anniversary of blogging! This photo was taken in October 2011 during a visit with Tater, the month I started this here blog.

How that is possible, I’m not quite sure. What I do know is that every year I blog, I enjoy it more and learn more about what works and what does not. Each year I change it up a little bit and I’m excited about how it will evolve.


To celebrate this blog’s third birthday, I’m going to attempt Gracie Gordon’s October Blogging Challenge. Parameters above.

I’m not going to lie, it comes in pretty handy that my fall break is this month. I’ll have time to do this thing! I discovered this challenge after reading Katie‘s lightning round September challenge post. Loved it. Love her really. I can’t promise that I won’t cheat on some like she did.

First up is goals for October. Ahhhhh easy! You all know how I love to make to do lists! I do that daily!

1. Get caught up on reading so that I’m on track to meet my goal (see!?!?! It’s constant!) of 52 books read this year. I’m at 34 right now.

2. Put a pumpkin on my front porch.

3. Get out the paints. 

4. Hang up remaining art/photos in the house–start brainstorming about empty spaces.

5. Get to at least one class at 502 Power…I need to practice with others! 

September 2014


This month brought on beach vacations, crazy fever viruses, vanilla chai scones, American Horror Story: Coven binge sessions, and more. It was whirlwind!

1. Any and all Charles Shaw varietals taste 100x better on the beach

2. You can lose all faith or respect for one of your local news stations in one day. My coworkers know what I’m talking about on this one.

3. What you think is allergies can quickly turn into having a 101 degree for FOUR DAYS STRAIGHT. Blargh.

4. Ian McEwan is flawless. Read this book in two sittings. It’s wonderful.

5. Burned through American Horror Story: Coven. Uhhhhhhh whoa. I really liked it…but, man. Not sure if I’m ready for the next round…it’s subject matter is making me uneasy already.

6. After AHS, we needed something light so started Veep on HBO. So funny right from the jump! So glad because I’ve heard it just gets better as it goes and there are three seasons. Woohoo!

7. After a trip to Bloomington, I’ve realized that I am completely out of touch with “what the kids are wearing these days.” The amount of high-waisted shorts and crop tops had me reeling.

8. Taking a couple weeks off of my yoga practice proved to be kind of amazing. Feeling stronger already. I’ve got to remember that sometimes rest is best.

9. I’ve given my Pinterest account a bit of a makeover. I’m going to try to use it a bit differently and a bit more, using it as an extensive of this blog. I come across so many amazing things & don’t always have the time to blog them all. I’ll be pinning them from now on! Follow along here.

10. I finally broke down and got rid of the $19 smartphone. I’m now using something decent so my photos will be a little bit better…phew, now all those dog, yoga, and food pics will be in focus! Ha.

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Alright now, let’s do this. #pumpkin

I’ll be in this tub when I’m sixty


We’ve been in the  new house for about six weeks. Slowly but surely things are coming together. But more than anything, I just have to keep pinching myself. It feels so good to get photos up, little sentimental trinkets out, and rugs down. The only thing left that is truly bugging me is the light fixture over the dining table and luckily we’ve ordered a replacement that will be here eventually.

2014-09-19 13.46.35
While I was home sick this week, I took a lot of baths and spent a lot of time in the house. It was nice to look around and know that I’ll (hopefully) never have to move again. Makes me a little weirded out knowing that, most likely, I’ll be sitting in that tub, staring at that crazy wallpaper when I’m sixty something.

2014-09-20 11.40.24
The upstairs is obviously still empty and in need of some painting. I’m using the bigger of the two bedrooms for my yoga room and it is wonderful. Lots of wall space, away from the dogs. It works. And that crazy mural can actually be a useful gaze point when balancing! HA!

2014-09-20 11.58.31 2014-09-20 11.59.49

I’m so looking forward to our first fall and holiday season in this house. It will be cozy. I’m sure of it.

fall 2014 soundtrack


I don’t mean to join the chorus and go on and on about how much I love fall, but sorry, it just kind of happens. It’s happening! And along with boot & scarf weather, football, PSLs, and candles, there is also always a ton of great new music released in the fall. I’ve bee obsessed with the following five songs.

You can find my current seasonal playlist here on Spotify. 

Let’s be honest though, I’ll just be listening to Alt-J’s new album on repeat when it comes out in a week.

Four Walls // Broods

Georgia // Vance Joy

Promises // Ryn Weaver

Every Other Freckle // Alt-J

 Carolina // Kimbra

Illustration above is from Morgan Davidson in Florida. So great! Her instagram is amazing as well.

november for 2013


Things I learned in November:
1. It’s easy to get things in perspective…just read City of Thieves and Matterhorn back to back…things could always be worse…you could be in besieged Leningrad or the Vietnam War
2. New light fixtures can transform a space
3. Davines This is a Sea Salt spray for hair…omg…instant fabulousness
4. Months go by really fast now
5. Beta Love by Ra Ra Riot
6. Andrew and I don’t have any shows right now other than Top Chef and Survivor…this is not right
7. 40 minutes of yin yoga every night can work wonders… #gamechanger
8. I really do love Butchertown Market
9. My Christmas ornaments are pretty much my most prized possessions.
10. Yuna is winning out over Christmas music

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Camera Workout: Week 41

I apologize for the number of dogs photos in this post. Sometimes you just have to…I promise, I interact with humans…sometimes.
Tis the season
2013-10-11 17.21.46
Macaroons all the way from Thomas Keller’s bakery at Bouchon.
2013-10-12 12.53.58
Pre-walk excitement…i.e…losing their minds
Because we had a baby and a baby sized armchair nearby…
Stop it.
Love this picture!

This is a funny looking dog
2013-10-13 12.13.06
So happy to have a resource for Lone Star…Texas Forever…Ah, I miss Friday Night Lights
2013-10-13 17.37.11
Is it just me or should this cat be bigger by now?
2013-10-12 15.10.47
That’s jalapeno cheddar cornbread bubbling.
2013-10-14 15.38.08
Watching Giada while cooking…please try to ignore the horrible smudges on my iPad screen…gross
2013-10-14 15.44.41
Boot season baby!
2013-10-15 15.07.18

I’m still on fall break. Headed back to work on Monday. Have been doing nothing cooking and reading really. Took all last week off yoga due to a pulled muscle, it’s crazy how much different a week makes…I feel stiff as a board in there!

Camera Workout: Week 40


Enjoying caipirinhas in Asheville in matching pants and shoes

Another meal outside in Asheville…new spot this time, Farm Burger. Roasted butternut squash chutney and swiss chard on my burger. omg.
2013-10-06 17.44.48
We had beautiful weather all weekend…pretty different from the Louisville I hear…
2013-10-06 17.45.09I tried to eat this and drive…not a good idea
2013-10-07 09.32.36

Annoying photo of pumpkins…sorry, I know it’s an issue, but I LOVE FALL.
2013-10-08 13.04.03

Oh and this is blowing up the internet this morning and I love it:

yoga workshops & illustrations

I’m back from Asheville after an all weekend workshop with Asheville physical therapist and yoga teacher Ryan Conrad. You know a workshop’s good when really bizarre muscles are sore. It was fantastic! Right up my alley–a major focus on anatomy and the strength/flexibility needed to access postures. Also, pretty much every single person in the workshop (there were about 50 of us!) was a teacher! This made for an excellent environment in which to ask questions about our students, get tips from each other, etc.

I always come back from things like this energized and ready to go…I just have to wait for this soreness to go away…Epsom salts?

I’m a sucker for good yoga illustrations and these were done by Ryan Conrad. I love the directional arrows!

Now I have the next thirteen days off from the library? Time to enjoy fall!

this Happy Friday is better with…Bob Schneider’s new album

I was so excited to hear a review of this new album from Austin based singer-songwriter Bob Schneider. For the brief year I worked in Austin, I checked him into the gym on a daily basis. I listened to his music then and liked it, but this album is on a whole other level. It’s perfect cozy, fall listening. And he gets huge points with me for doing an acoustic cover of “Tomorrow” from Annie. Love it.

Listen to his album here on spotify.

Headed back to Asheville for a yoga workshop at the Asheville Yoga Center all weekend! Yeeeeee! Going to be audiobooking, Bob Schneidering, podcasting it up thanks to a new car stereo that arrived in the mail yesterday and Andrew got installed in under an hour!?! Woop!


Happy Friday y’all!

As of last week, I’m completely obsessed with the Scottish band Chvrches. I’ve been meaning to listen to them for awhile. Eek! So good! Will be yoga-ing to this all weekend. Looking forward to relaxing around the house reading and cooking, but also planning on seeing Don Jon. Gotta get out there and see my JGL.